sellar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sellar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "sellar" primarily means to seal, stamp, or close something securely. In legal and formal contexts, it refers to the act of sealing documents, which is often crucial for authenticity and validation. The term is commonly used in both written and oral contexts; however, it is more frequent in written documents due to its formal nature.

Example Sentences

  1. El notario decidió sellar el documento para garantizar su validez.
    The notary decided to seal the document to guarantee its validity.

  2. Es importante sellar bien la carta antes de enviarla por correo.
    It is important to seal the letter well before sending it by mail.

  3. La empresa necesita sellar el acuerdo para que sea legalmente vinculante.
    The company needs to seal the agreement for it to be legally binding.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sellar" features in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in legal and administrative contexts:

  1. Sellar un trato
  2. To seal a deal
  3. Example: Ambas partes se reunieron para sellar el trato final.
    Both parties met to seal the final deal.

  4. Sellar la boca

  5. To seal one's mouth (to remain silent)
  6. Example: Decidió sellar la boca y no hablar sobre el tema.
    He decided to seal his mouth and not speak about the issue.

  7. Sellar un pacto

  8. To seal a pact
  9. Example: Los líderes internacionales se reunieron para sellar un pacto de paz.
    The international leaders met to seal a peace pact.

  10. Sellar el destino

  11. To seal one's fate
  12. Example: Sus decisiones imprudentes sellaron su destino.
    His reckless decisions sealed his fate.

  13. Sellar con sangre

  14. To seal with blood (to make a serious commitment)
  15. Example: Los guerreros sellaron su alianza con sangre.
    The warriors sealed their alliance with blood.


The verb "sellar" comes from the Latin word "sigillāre," which means to seal or to stamp, derived from "sigillum," meaning seal or signet. This connection highlights the historical importance of seals in authentication and legal matters.



In summary, "sellar" is an essential verb in Spanish that plays a crucial role in legal and formal contexts, as well as in everyday usage regarding the act of sealing or securing items and agreements.
