sello - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sello (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Sello" refers to a physical object used to create impressions or marks, often used for authentication, branding, or decoration. It can also refer to an official seal or emblem of authority or approval. The frequency of use for "sello" is moderate in both oral and written contexts, frequently appearing in legal, postal, and administrative discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El sello de la empresa está en todas las cartas que envían.
    The company seal is on all the letters they send.

  2. Necesitamos un sello oficial para validar este documento.
    We need an official seal to validate this document.

  3. Ella recogió un sello antiguo que vale mucho dinero.
    She collected an old stamp that is worth a lot of money.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sello" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its versatility in daily speech:

  1. Sello de calidad
    Seal of quality
    Este producto tiene un sello de calidad que garantiza su durabilidad.
    This product has a quality seal that guarantees its durability.

  2. Sello personal
    Personal stamp
    Siempre deja su sello personal en cada proyecto que realiza.
    She always leaves her personal stamp on every project she undertakes.

  3. Sello distintivo
    Distinctive seal
    Su estilo de escritura es su sello distintivo.
    Her writing style is her distinctive seal.

  4. Sello de aprobación
    Seal of approval
    Solo se utiliza el material que tiene nuestro sello de aprobación.
    Only material that has our seal of approval is used.

  5. Sello de identidad
    Identity seal
    El idioma puede ser un sello de identidad cultural.
    Language can be a cultural identity seal.


The word "sello" originates from the Latin "sigillum", which means "a small sign or mark". Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to include various meanings related to marking or sealing objects.

Synonyms and Antonyms


