sencillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sencillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English

Meaning and usage

The word "sencillo" in Spanish commonly refers to something that is not complicated, requiring little effort, or is straightforward. It can describe a range of things, from tasks and concepts to styles and appearances.

"Sencillo" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear slightly more in written language due to its application in literature, music, and academic discussions.

Example sentences

  1. Este problema es muy sencillo de resolver.
  2. This problem is very simple to solve.

  3. Su método de enseñanza es sencillo y efectivo.

  4. Her teaching method is simple and effective.

  5. Prefiero un diseño sencillo en lugar de algo muy elaborado.

  6. I prefer a simple design instead of something very elaborate.

Idiomatic expressions with "sencillo"

While "sencillo" may not have numerous idiomatic expressions specific to it, it can be used in different contexts to convey meaning associated with simplicity:

  1. Hacerlo de manera sencilla.
  2. To do it simply.
  3. "Si lo haces de manera sencilla, todos entenderán mejor."
  4. "If you do it simply, everyone will understand better."

  5. No es tan sencillo.

  6. It's not that simple.
  7. "Tomar una decisión no es tan sencillo como parece."
  8. "Making a decision is not as simple as it seems."

  9. Un corazón sencillo.

  10. A simple heart.
  11. "Ella tiene un corazón sencillo, lleno de amor y humildad."
  12. "She has a simple heart, full of love and humility."


The word "sencillo" comes from the Latin "simplicium," which means simple or uncomplicated. It reflects the basic idea of lacking complexity or intricacy.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Simple - Fácil (easy) - Claro (clear) - Directo (direct)

Antonyms: - Complicado (complicated) - Difícil (difficult) - Complejo (complex) - Elaborado (elaborate)
