seno - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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seno (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "seno" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "seno" has multiple meanings depending on the context:

  1. Mathematics: Refers to the sine function, which is a fundamental part of trigonometry.
  2. Anatomy: Refers to the breast, particularly in a biological or medical context.
  3. General: Can refer to the bosom or the innermost part of something, like the "seno de la Tierra" (the bosom of the Earth).

The frequency of use can vary; it is commonly used in both written and spoken contexts, especially in mathematics and medical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Mathematics: "El seno de 30 grados es igual a 0.5."
  2. "The sine of 30 degrees is equal to 0.5."

  3. Anatomy: "El médico examinó el seno de la paciente."

  4. "The doctor examined the patient's breast."

  5. General: "El seno de la familia debe ser un lugar seguro."

  6. "The bosom of the family should be a safe place."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "seno" also appears in various idiomatic expressions, especially when speaking metaphorically.

  1. "Vivir en el seno de la comunidad."
  2. "To live in the bosom of the community."

  3. "El seno de la naturaleza es increíblemente hermoso."

  4. "The bosom of nature is incredibly beautiful."

  5. "Guardamos secretos en el seno de la amistad."

  6. "We keep secrets in the bosom of friendship."

  7. "La paz en el seno de la familia es fundamental para el bienestar."

  8. "Peace in the bosom of the family is fundamental for well-being."


The word "seno" comes from the Latin "sinus," which means "curve" or "bay." Over time, its meanings expanded in both languages to include various physical and metaphorical connotations.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "seno" serves multiple important functions in language, from mathematics to medical terminology, and carries rich meaning in idiomatic expressions.
