sensorial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sensorial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sensorial" refers to anything related to the senses or the perception of stimuli through sensory organs. It is commonly used in contexts related to psychology, art, education, and technology where sensory experiences are discussed or analyzed.

In the Spanish language, "sensorial" is often used in both oral and written contexts, especially in more specialized fields. Its frequency of use may increase in educational or psychological settings, particularly when discussing experiences, perceptions, or studies involving the senses.

Example Sentences

  1. La experiencia sensorial en el museo fue impresionante.
  2. The sensory experience at the museum was impressive.

  3. Los aromas a veces pueden desencadenar recuerdos sensoriales intensos.

  4. Scents can sometimes trigger intense sensory memories.

  5. La educación sensorial es fundamental en el desarrollo infantil.

  6. Sensory education is essential in childhood development.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sensorial" is less frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it can still be related to some phrases that deal with sensory perceptions or experiences. Below are a few sentences that incorporate similar contexts:

  1. El ambiente estaba lleno de estímulos sensoriales que me hicieron sentir vivo.
  2. The environment was full of sensory stimuli that made me feel alive.

  3. La terapia sensorial ayuda a las personas con dificultad para procesar la información sensorial.

  4. Sensory therapy helps people who have difficulty processing sensory information.

  5. Sumergirse en un mundo sensorial puede ser una forma de escapismo.

  6. Immersing oneself in a sensory world can be a form of escapism.


The term "sensorial" is derived from the Latin word "sensorius," which relates to sensation, and the root "sensus," meaning "sense." It reflects the relationship between sensory perception and the aspects of experience that involve the senses.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sensorial (main synonym) - Sensitivo (sensitive) - Perceptivo (perceptive)

Antonyms: - Insensible (insensitive) - Incomprensible (incomprehensible) - Racional (rational, in contexts where sensory experience contrasts with rational analysis)
