sentido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sentido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sentido" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Sentido" generally refers to a perception or awareness through the senses (like touch, taste, smell, etc.), the meaning of something, or the direction in which something exists or moves. The frequency of use is fairly common in both oral and written contexts. However, it is prevalent in philosophical discussions, literature, daily conversation, and legal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El sentido del gusto es fundamental para disfrutar de la comida.
    The sense of taste is fundamental to enjoying food.

  2. No entiendo el sentido de esta obra de arte.
    I don't understand the meaning of this work of art.

  3. Visité al guía para orientarme en el sentido correcto.
    I visited the guide to orient myself in the correct direction.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Perder el sentido.
    To lose one's senses.
    Ejemplo: Al oír la noticia, perdió el sentido por un momento.
    Upon hearing the news, he lost his senses for a moment.

  2. Hacer sentido.
    To make sense.
    Ejemplo: Todo lo que dijo no hace sentido para mí.
    Everything he said doesn't make sense to me.

  3. En el buen sentido de la palabra.
    In the good sense of the word.
    Ejemplo: Es una crítica, pero en el buen sentido de la palabra.
    It's a critique, but in the good sense of the word.

  4. No tener sentido.
    To make no sense.
    Ejemplo: La explicación que dio no tiene sentido.
    The explanation he gave makes no sense.

  5. Sentido común.
    Common sense.
    Ejemplo: El sentido común nos dice que debemos ser precavidos.
    Common sense tells us that we should be cautious.


The word "sentido" comes from the Latin word "sensitum," which is the neuter past participle of "sentire," meaning "to feel" or "to perceive." Over time, "sentido" has evolved to encompass various meanings related to perception, significance, and direction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - significado (meaning) - percepción (perception) - razón (reason)

Antonyms: - insensato (senseless) - ignorancia (ignorance) - confusión (confusion)
