sentimental - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sentimental (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sentimental" is used to describe an emotional state that is often characterized by feelings of nostalgia, tenderness, or affection. In the Spanish language, it often carries a connotation of being overly emotional or prone to tears, especially in contexts relating to love, memories, and relationships.

In terms of frequency, "sentimental" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though you may encounter it more often in literary texts, songs, and movies where emotional themes are prevalent.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella es muy sentimental y llora con facilidad en las películas.
    She is very sentimental and cries easily in movies.

  2. Los regalos sentimentales a menudo tienen más valor que los materiales.
    Sentimental gifts often have more value than material ones.

  3. La música sentimental me recuerda a mi infancia.
    Sentimental music reminds me of my childhood.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sentimental" is often used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Tener un corazón sentimental"
    To have a sentimental heart
    This expression describes someone who is very sensitive and easily affected by emotions.
    Él tiene un corazón sentimental y siempre se preocupa por los demás.
    He has a sentimental heart and always cares about others.

  2. "Ser sentimental"
    To be sentimental
    This is directly related to being emotionally expressive or sensitive.
    No es malo ser sentimental; a veces es necesario mostrar tus sentimientos.
    It's not bad to be sentimental; sometimes it's necessary to show your feelings.

  3. "Recuerdos sentimentales"
    Sentimental memories
    Refers to cherished memories that evoke emotional responses.
    Siempre guardo mis recuerdos sentimentales en una caja especial.
    I always keep my sentimental memories in a special box.

  4. "Río sentimental"
    Sentimental river
    This expression refers to someone who feels overwhelmed by their emotions.
    Cuando hablo de mi familia, es como si se desatara un río sentimental.
    When I talk about my family, it's like a sentimental river is unleashed.


The word "sentimental" comes from the French word "sentimental," which in turn originates from the Latin word "sentimentalis," a derivative of "sentimentum," meaning feeling or perception. This term evolved over time to encompass the broader notion of having or showing strong feelings.

Synonyms and Antonyms


