"Sentimiento" is a noun in Spanish.
The word "sentimiento" refers to a state of emotional awareness or a complex reaction, often triggered by circumstances or relationships. It can encompass a range of emotions, from love and joy to sadness and anger. In general Spanish usage, "sentimiento" is quite common and can be found in both oral and written forms, although it may lean slightly more towards written contexts given its prevalence in literature, psychology, and discussions of social issues.
El sentimiento de felicidad la acompañó durante todo el día.
The feeling of happiness accompanied her throughout the day.
A veces, expresar el sentimiento correcto puede ser complicado.
Sometimes, expressing the right sentiment can be complicated.
El amor es un sentimiento que trasciende el tiempo.
Love is a feeling that transcends time.
"Sentimiento" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting deep emotional contexts in both personal and social realms.
Hablar desde el sentimiento.
To speak from feeling.
(Refers to expressing emotions genuinely)
Dejarse llevar por el sentimiento.
To be carried away by feeling.
(Indicates acting impulsively based on emotions)
No tener sentimientos.
To have no feelings.
(Generally means to be unfeeling or indifferent)
Sentimientos encontrados.
Mixed feelings.
(Describes experiencing conflicting emotions about something)
Aflorar los sentimientos.
To bring feelings to the surface.
(Refers to revealing hidden emotions)
Sentir en el fondo del corazón.
To feel in the depths of one's heart.
(Indicates a deep, genuine feeling)
No poder contener los sentimientos.
To not be able to contain one's feelings.
(Indicates being unable to hide emotions)
Luchar con mis sentimientos.
To struggle with my feelings.
(Refers to the internal conflict regarding emotions)
The word "sentimiento" originates from the Latin "sentimentum," which translates to "feeling" or "sensation." The root "sentire" means "to feel," which emphasizes the emotional aspect of the term.