sepia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sepia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "sepia" predominantly refers to the marine animal known as cuttlefish, which is related to squid and octopus. The term can also refer to the dark brown ink that these creatures produce. The usage of "sepia" in everyday conversation is relatively common when discussing seafood, particularly in culinary contexts or marine biology.

Its frequency of use can vary between oral and written contexts, though it tends to appear more often in specialized discussions (like cooking or marine life) or written forms (such as menus or articles).

Example Sentences

  1. La sepia a la plancha es uno de los platos más populares de la costa.
    (Grilled cuttlefish is one of the most popular dishes on the coast.)

  2. El artista usó sepia para darle un toque vintage a su pintura.
    (The artist used sepia to give a vintage touch to his painting.)

  3. En el acuario, pudimos ver varias sepias nadando.
    (In the aquarium, we could see several cuttlefish swimming.)

Idiomatic Expressions and Usage

The word "sepia" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but it does have some specific uses in art and cooking. Here are a few related expressions and sentences:

  1. "Fondo sepia" se refiere a una técnica de fotografía que da un tono marrón a las imágenes.
    ("Sepia background" refers to a photography technique that gives a brown tone to the images.)

  2. La tinta de sepia se utiliza a menudo en caligrafía por su suavidad.
    (Sepia ink is often used in calligraphy for its smoothness.)

  3. Nos alegramos de haber degustado la sepia en el mercado de mariscos.
    (We were glad to have tasted the cuttlefish at the seafood market.)


The word "sepia" comes from the Latin "sepia," which in turn derives from the Greek word "σέπια" (sepia), referring to the cuttlefish. Its use in the context of ink likely stems from the ink produced by the animal itself, which was historically used in writing and art.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cuttlefish (in English) - Choco (in some regions, referring to a similar cephalopod)

Antonyms: - There are no direct antonyms for "sepia" as it refers to a specific biological entity. However, one could informally consider terms relating to fish or other seafood outside of cephalopods as opposite categories in cuisine.

This comprehensive overview should give you a clear picture of the word "sepia" in Spanish, along with its meanings, usages, and related expressions.
