sepulcro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sepulcro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sepulcro" refers to a burial place or grave, often implying a structure designed for interring the dead. It is common in both general conversation and legal contexts, particularly concerning matters of death, burial rights, or inheritance. The term appears more frequently in written contexts due to its formal nature, often seen in literature, legal documents, and historical texts rather than in casual spoken Spanish.

Frequency of Use

"Sepulcro" is a relatively formal term and is not as commonly used in everyday conversation but may appear more frequently in literary, historical, or legal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El sepulcro del rey está ubicado en la catedral.
    The king's tomb is located in the cathedral.

  2. Se construyó un sepulcro para honrar la memoria de los caídos.
    A tomb was built to honor the memory of those who fell.

  3. El arqueólogo descubrió un antiguo sepulcro en el sitio de excavación.
    The archaeologist discovered an ancient tomb at the excavation site.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "sepulcro" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases related to death, remembrance, or loss. Here are some idiomatic expressions that might involve the concept of sepulcro indirectly:

  1. Estar entre sepulcros
    To be among tombs
    Refers to being in a dire situation, often implying a sense of despair or hopelessness.
    Estar entre sepulcros no es un lugar donde quiero estar.
    Being among tombs is not a place I want to be.

  2. Tener un corazón de sepulcro
    To have a heart like a tomb
    Refers to someone who is emotionally cold or unfeeling.
    No puedes tener un corazón de sepulcro; debes mostrar un poco de compasión.
    You cannot have a heart like a tomb; you must show some compassion.

  3. Sepulcro blanqueado
    Whitewashed tomb
    Refers to something that appears good on the outside but is corrupt or rotten on the inside, often used in the context of hypocrisy.
    Esa persona es un sepulcro blanqueado, alardeando de sus virtudes que en realidad no tiene.
    That person is a whitewashed tomb, bragging about virtues they do not possess.


The word "sepulcro" comes from the Latin "sepulcrum," which means a grave or burial place. The roots relate to "sepelire," which also means to bury.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown of "sepulcro" provides insights into its meaning, usage, idioms, and historical context within the Spanish language and culture.
