sequedad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sequedad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Use in Spanish

Sequedad refers to the state of being dry or lacking moisture. It can describe both physical dryness, such as in the case of weather or skin, and abstract concepts like dryness in communication or style. In general discourse, it is used to express discomfort or adverse conditions caused by a lack of moisture.

Frequency of Use

The term "sequedad" is moderately common in Spanish, frequently appearing in both spoken and written contexts. It is especially prevalent in discussions about climate, health, and literature.

Example Sentences

  1. La sequedad del clima en el desierto es extrema.
  2. The dryness of the climate in the desert is extreme.

  3. La sequedad de la piel puede ser un signo de deshidratación.

  4. The dryness of the skin can be a sign of dehydration.

  5. En la sequedad del invierno, es importante usar crema hidratante.

  6. In the dryness of winter, it is important to use moisturizer.

Idiomatic Expressions

While “sequedad” is not heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, it is used in some contexts that carry additional meanings:

  1. Tener sequedad en la boca
  2. To have dryness in the mouth
  3. Esto puede ser un síntoma de ansiedad.
    (This can be a symptom of anxiety.)

  4. Hacer algo con sequedad

  5. To do something with dryness/abruptness
  6. Su respuesta fue dada con sequedad, lo que sorprendió a todos.
    (His response was given with abruptness, which surprised everyone.)

  7. Sesgadamente seco

  8. Severely dry
  9. El informe fue redactado de manera sesgadamente seca, sin emoción.
    (The report was written in a severely dry manner, without emotion.)


The word “sequedad” comes from the Latin "seca", meaning dry, combined with the suffix "-edad", which denotes the state or condition. The evolution into its current form has kept the original context of not having moisture.

Synonyms and Antonyms


