sereno - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sereno (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sereno" can function as both an adjective and a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Calm
  2. Serene
  3. Clear
  4. Cool (as in temperature)
  5. Tranquil

Meaning and Use

The term "sereno" primarily refers to a state of calmness or tranquility. As an adjective, it describes something that is peaceful, clear, or free from disturbance. As a noun, it can denote a person who works at night (often as a watchman or who looks after a property). The word is often used in both formal writing and conversational Spanish, but it's more likely to appear in literary or poetic contexts.

Frequency of Use: - The word "sereno" is relatively common, especially in casual speech when describing feelings or settings.

Context: - It can be used in both oral and written contexts, but due to its somewhat poetic connotation, it might be more frequent in writing compared to everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El clima esta sereno esta noche.
    The weather is calm tonight.

  2. Ella tiene un carácter sereno que le ayuda en momentos difíciles.
    She has a serene character that helps her in difficult moments.

  3. La vista del mar es serena al amanecer.
    The view of the sea is serene at dawn.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sereno" is found in a couple of idiomatic expressions, often related to calmness or tranquility.

  1. Estar sereno como el agua.
    To be as calm as water.
  2. Meaning: To be very calm and untroubled.

  3. Salir del sereno.
    To come out of the serenity.

  4. Meaning: To become agitated or distressed after a period of calm.

  5. Un día sereno.
    A serene day.

  6. Meaning: A day that is peaceful and without chaos.

Additional Example Sentences

  1. Después de la tormenta, el aire estaba sereno y fresco.
    After the storm, the air was calm and fresh.

  2. Siempre trato de mantenerme sereno ante las adversidades.
    I always try to remain calm in the face of adversity.

  3. En un día sereno, se pueden ver las estrellas más claramente.
    On a clear day, you can see the stars more clearly.


"Sereno" comes from the Latin word "serenus," which means clear, calm, or serene. The roots reflect the idea of being free from clouds or disturbances, emphasizing peace and tranquility.

Synonyms and Antonyms


