setenta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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setenta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Setenta" is a cardinal number used to denote the quantity of seventy. It is primarily used in both spoken and written contexts to express numerical values, particularly in counting, listing, and age indication. In terms of frequency, "setenta" is commonly used in everyday conversations and formal writings alike.

Example Sentences

  1. "El libro tiene setenta páginas."
    "The book has seventy pages."

  2. "Juan cumplió setenta años el año pasado."
    "Juan turned seventy years old last year."

  3. "Setenta estudiantes participaron en la competencia."
    "Seventy students participated in the competition."

Idiomatic Expressions

While the number "setenta" does not form a large number of idiomatic expressions, it can be found in some colloquial uses. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Estar en el setenta por ciento."
    (To be at seventy percent.)
    This expression is often used to indicate a level of completeness or readiness.
    "El proyecto está en el setenta por ciento de avance."
    (The project is seventy percent complete.)

  2. "Tener setenta vidas."
    (To have seventy lives.)
    This phrase can refer to being very resilient or having many opportunities.
    "Si sigo así, tengo setenta vidas para explorar todo esto."
    (If I keep this up, I have seventy lives to explore all this.)

  3. "Setenta veces siete."
    (Seventy times seven.)
    This expression can signify an immense number, often used in a figurative sense.
    "Te he perdonado setenta veces siete."
    (I have forgiven you seventy times seven.)


The word "setenta" originates from the Latin "septuaginta," which also means seventy. The Latin term is rooted in "septem," meaning seven, reflecting the base number from which it is derived.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This information encompasses the word "setenta" in detail, covering its linguistic characteristics, examples, idiomatic expressions, origins, and related terms.
