"Severidad" is a noun.
"Severidad" refers to the quality of being severe, strict, or harsh. In both general and legal contexts, it often implies a rigorous or stern approach to rules, assessments, or judgments. The term is relatively common in written contexts such as legal documents, academic publications, and formal discussions, but can also appear in everyday speech when discussing matters of strictness or discipline.
Frequency of Use: Moderately frequent in both spoken and written Spanish, with a tendency towards more formal contexts.
La severidad de la pena fue debatida en la corte.
The severity of the punishment was debated in court.
Los maestros a veces deben equilibrar la severidad con la comprensión.
Teachers sometimes need to balance severity with understanding.
La severidad de las condiciones climáticas impidió la celebración del evento.
The severity of the weather conditions prevented the event from taking place.
"Severidad" is often featured in expressions that discuss strictness, discipline, or harshness. Here are some examples:
Con severidad - "El juez habló con severidad durante el juicio."
The judge spoke with severity during the trial.
De manera severa - "El colegio ha tomado medidas severas contra el acoso escolar."
The school has taken severe measures against bullying.
Ser severo con algo - "Es severo con los plazos de entrega."
He is severe with the deadlines for delivery.
Severidad en el trato - "La severidad en el trato a los empleados puede afectar su moral."
Severity in dealing with employees can affect their morale.
Representar una severidad - "El informe representa una severidad en el análisis de la situación."
The report represents a severity in the analysis of the situation.
The word "severidad" comes from the Latin root "severitas," which means "sternness, seriousness, or strictness." The root "severus" translates to "severe" or "serious," reflecting the concept of strictness or harshness embedded in the word's meaning.
Synonyms: - Estrictez (strictness) - Rigidez (rigidity) - Dureza (hardness)
Antonyms: - Flexibilidad (flexibility) - Indulgencia (leniency) - Permisividad (permissiveness)