shunt - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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shunt (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Shunt
  2. Bypass

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "shunt" is generally used in the context of medicine and electronics. In medicine, it refers to a device or procedure that redirects the flow of fluid or electrical signals from one area to another, typically within the body, for treatment purposes. In electronics, it signifies a pathway that allows electric current to bypass other components.

"Shunt" is a specialized term often found in written contexts, particularly in medical literature, research papers, and technical documents. It is less common in everyday oral communication, primarily because it relates to technical fields.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico utilizó un shunt para drenar el exceso de líquido de la cavidad cerebral.
  2. The doctor used a shunt to drain excess fluid from the brain cavity.

  3. En la ingeniería eléctrica, un shunt se emplea para medir la corriente que fluye a través de un circuito.

  4. In electrical engineering, a shunt is used to measure the current flowing through a circuit.

  5. Es necesario colocar un shunt en pacientes con hidrocefalia para aliviar la presión.

  6. It is necessary to place a shunt in patients with hydrocephalus to relieve pressure.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "shunt" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, its medical and technical applications can be significant in jargon within specific fields. Here are some contextual expressions based on its meanings:

  1. "Colocar un shunt"
  2. Se tuvo que colocar un shunt en el corazón para mejorar el flujo sanguíneo.
  3. Translation: They had to place a shunt in the heart to improve blood flow.

  4. "Desviar la corriente"

  5. Al instalar el nuevo sistema eléctrico, se desvió la corriente a través de un shunt.
  6. Translation: When installing the new electrical system, the current was diverted through a shunt.

  7. "Aliviar la presión"

  8. El shunt se usa para aliviar la presión en el sistema nervioso central.
  9. Translation: The shunt is used to relieve pressure in the central nervous system.


The term "shunt" originates from the late Middle English "shunten," meaning to evade or to turn aside. It developed in the context of engineering and medical fields to denote the action of diverting something, particularly flow.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Bypass (desvío) - Channel (canal)

Antonyms: - Convergence (convergencia) - Conduction (conducción)

This comprehensive breakdown should provide you with a clear understanding of the word "shunt" in various contexts linked to medicine and electronics.
