sibarita - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sibarita (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "sibarita" refers to a person who is particularly devoted to and knowledgeable about fine food, drinks, and luxury. The word signifies a person with refined tastes and an inclination toward the enjoyment of exquisite pleasures, often associated with high standards of quality and a discerning palate. This word is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, although it is more prevalent in literary and formal discussions about gastronomy and luxury lifestyles.

Example Sentences

  1. El sibarita siempre busca los mejores restaurantes de la ciudad.
    (The gourmet always seeks the best restaurants in the city.)

  2. Eran un grupo de sibaritas que disfrutaban de las mejores cervezas artesanales.
    (They were a group of connoisseurs who enjoyed the best craft beers.)

  3. Su estilo de vida es un claro ejemplo de lo que significa ser un sibarita moderno.
    (His lifestyle is a clear example of what it means to be a modern epicure.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sibarita" may not be a core component of many idiomatic phrases, it is often used in contexts relating to luxury, indulgence, and refined taste.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Vive como un sibarita, disfrutando de cada momento.
    (Live like a gourmet, enjoying every moment.)

  2. Es un sibarita de la música; solo escucha lo mejor.
    (He is a connoisseur of music; he only listens to the best.)

  3. No hay nada como un sibarita que aprecie el arte de la cocina.
    (There's nothing like a gourmet who appreciates the art of cooking.)

  4. Siempre ha sido un sibarita de la moda, eligiendo las mejores prendas.
    (He has always been a fashion connoisseur, choosing the best garments.)

  5. El evento reunió a una multitud de sibaritas dispuestos a degustar diversos vinos.
    (The event brought together a crowd of connoisseurs eager to taste various wines.)


"Sibarita" is derived from the word "Síbari," which refers to the ancient city of Sybaris in Italy known for its wealthy inhabitants and indulgent lifestyle. The term evolved to describe not just the people of Sybaris, but also anyone who leads a life of luxury and enjoyment of refined pleasures.

Synonyms and Antonyms


