siderurgia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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siderurgia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Siderurgia is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Siderurgia refers to the processes involved in the production of iron and steel. This term is commonly used in the fields of economics and polytechnical studies, especially regarding industries related to metal production. Its usage is predominantly found in written contexts, such as academic articles, industrial reports, and texts related to engineering and manufacturing, although it can also appear in oral contexts when discussing relevant topics.

Frequency of Use

The term is specific to industrial and technical contexts, making it less common in everyday conversation. It is often used by professionals in the metal industry, economists, and engineers.

Example Sentences

  1. La siderurgia es un sector clave en la economía de muchos países en desarrollo.
    Steel manufacturing is a key sector in the economy of many developing countries.

  2. La siderurgia necesita inversiones significativas para modernizar sus instalaciones.
    The iron and steel industry requires significant investments to modernize its facilities.

  3. Las innovaciones en siderurgia han permitido reducir el impacto ambiental de la producción de acero.
    Innovations in steel manufacturing have allowed for a reduction in the environmental impact of steel production.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "siderurgia" itself is not commonly found within idiomatic expressions, its contextually related terms and concepts can be part of specialized phrases in the industry.

Idiomatic Expressions Using Related Terms

  1. "Estar en la siderurgia" - se refiere a estar en una situación difícil o conflictiva, comparando con la dureza del metal.
  2. "Desde que perdimos el contrato, estamos en la siderurgia."
    "Since we lost the contract, we are in a tough spot."

  3. "Siderurgia de calidad" - se utiliza para describir cualquier actividad que tenga un alto estándar de producción o resultado, como el acero.

  4. "Solo aceptamos siderurgia de calidad para nuestros proyectos."
    "We only accept high-quality steel manufacturing for our projects."

  5. "Una obra de siderurgia" - suele referirse a una tarea complicada, utilizando la idea de la dificultad y complejidad de trabajar con metales.

  6. "Terminar este informe es una obra de siderurgia, pero lo haré."
    "Finishing this report is a complicated task, but I will do it."


The word siderurgia originates from the Latin words "siderum," meaning "iron," and "urgia," which comes from the Greek "urgia," meaning "work." Thus, it literally translates to "the work of iron."



This comprehensive overview of siderurgia outlines its meanings, usage, and relevance in different contexts.
