siete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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siete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Siete" is a numeral in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈsjete/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Siete" is the Spanish word for the number seven. It is widely used in both oral and written contexts, being a fundamental numeral in everyday language, mathematics, and various forms of communication. It has a high frequency of use, particularly in numeric representation, counting, and dates.

Example Sentences

  1. Hay siete días en una semana.
    There are seven days in a week.

  2. Necesito siete manzanas para la receta.
    I need seven apples for the recipe.

  3. Tengo siete hermanos y hermanas.
    I have seven brothers and sisters.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Siete" forms part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are some examples, illustrating its use:

  1. Estar como un siete
    To be in an odd or peculiar situation.
    No importa lo que diga, está como un siete.
    No matter what he says, he is in a peculiar situation.

  2. Llevarse como gato y perro (siete)
    To get along poorly or to have a disagreement.
    Paula y Marta se llevan como gato y perro, siempre discutiendo.
    Paula and Marta get along like cats and dogs, always arguing.

  3. A las siete y media
    At half past seven (used to indicate time).
    La reunión es a las siete y media.
    The meeting is at half past seven.

  4. Entre siete y ocho
    Between seven and eight (often used to indicate a range).
    El precio estará entre siete y ocho dólares.
    The price will be between seven and eight dollars.


The word "siete" comes from the Latin "septem", which also means seven. This reflects a common linguistic evolution where numerals often retain similar forms through the transition from Latin to Romance languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

"Siete" is a basic yet essential numeral in the Spanish language, used frequently in diverse contexts ranging from counting to expressing times and quantities.
