sifón invertido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sifón invertido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase.

Phonetic transcription

/siˈfon inˈβɛrtiðo/

Translation options


In the field of geography, a sifón invertido refers to an underground structure used to carry fluid (often sewage) from a higher to a lower level without the need for a pump. This term is mostly used in a technical context, specifically in hydraulic engineering. It is more commonly found in written texts related to engineering and infrastructure projects.

Example sentences

  1. Este sistema de alcantarillado cuenta con un sifón invertido para transportar el agua de un barranco a otro.
  2. This sewer system has an inverted siphon to transport water from one ravine to another.

  3. Los ingenieros deben diseñar un sifón invertido que facilite el flujo de aguas residuales en la red de saneamiento.

  4. The engineers must design an inverted siphon that facilitates the flow of wastewater in the sanitation network.

Idiomatic expressions

The term sifón invertido is not part of common idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


Synonyms and Antonyms