siglas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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siglas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "siglas" refers to a series of letters, typically the initial letters of a phrase or a set of words, which create an abbreviation that can be pronounced as either a word or spelled out. In Spanish, "siglas" is commonly used in legal, administrative, and organizational contexts where acronyms and abbreviations are prominent. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Las siglas del gobierno son muy conocidas por todos.
    The acronyms of the government are well known by everyone.

  2. Muchas universidades utilizan siglas para sus programas académicos.
    Many universities use initials for their academic programs.

  3. En el contrato, las siglas de las partes involucradas están claramente especificadas.
    In the contract, the abbreviations of the involved parties are clearly specified.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "siglas" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it is related to certain expressions that involve acronyms or initials. Here are a few expressions and examples using "siglas":

  1. Usar siglas conocidas - "Es importante usar siglas conocidas para evitar confusiones."
    It's important to use well-known abbreviations to avoid confusion.

  2. Las siglas hablan por sí solas - "En el informe de auditoría, las siglas hablan por sí solas sobre la situación financiera."
    In the audit report, the acronyms speak for themselves regarding the financial situation.

  3. Explícitas siglas - "Debemos incluir explícitas siglas en el documento para mayor claridad."
    We must include explicit acronyms in the document for greater clarity.


The word "siglas" comes from the Latin "sigla," which means "letters" or "characters." The use of abbreviations dates back centuries, where the practice of shortening words into initials became more standardized in modern writing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Abreviaturas (abbreviations) - Acronimos (acronyms)

Antonyms: - Palabras completas (complete words) - Texto completo (full text)

In summary, "siglas" denotes the concept of acronyms and initials that play a significant role in conveying concise information in various contexts, particularly in law and administrative documents. Its usage is broad across both spoken and written forms, supporting clarity and brevity in communication.
