siglo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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siglo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "siglo" refers to a period of one hundred years. It is commonly used to denote a specific century in historical and chronological contexts. In Spanish, it is frequently used in both oral and written forms, particularly in literature, history, or when discussing time periods.

Example Sentences

  1. En el siglo XX, ocurrieron grandes cambios sociales y políticos en el mundo.
  2. In the 20th century, significant social and political changes occurred around the world.
  3. La literatura del siglo XVII es muy rica en obras de teatro.
  4. The literature of the 17th century is very rich in theatrical works.
  5. El siglo XXI se caracteriza por avances tecnológicos sin precedentes.
  6. The 21st century is characterized by unprecedented technological advances.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "siglo" is often found in various idiomatic expressions that denote specific periods or changes.

  1. "A lo largo de los siglos"
  2. Translation: "Over the centuries"
  3. Context: Used to indicate changes or events that span a long period.

  4. "Cambiar de siglo"

  5. Translation: "Change of century"
  6. Context: Refers to a significant transition in time or culture.

  7. "Un siglo por delante"

  8. Translation: "A century ahead"
  9. Context: Used to describe something that is very advanced or forward-thinking.

  10. "Siglo de oro"

  11. Translation: "Golden Age"
  12. Context: Refers to a period of great achievement, particularly in the arts and culture.

  13. "De siglo en siglo"

  14. Translation: "From century to century"
  15. Context: Indicates continuity or repetition across numerous centuries.


The term "siglo" is derived from the Latin "saeculum," which means "generation" or "age." The evolution of the term reflects its usage in marking significant spans of time, especially in historiography.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Centuria (less commonly used) - Era (when referring to a broader time period)

Antonyms: - Instantáneo (instantaneous, when contrasting with the long duration of a century) - Momentáneo (temporary/momentary, as opposed to the lengthy notion of a century)

This comprehensive exploration of the word "siglo" illustrates its multifaceted meanings and roles in the Spanish language, including its significance in literary and historical contexts.
