signa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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signa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "signa" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "signa" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈsiɡ.na/.

Translation Options into English

The word "signa" can be translated into English as: - Signs - Symptoms - Directions (specifically in medical prescriptions)

Meaning and Usage

In the context of medicine, "signa" typically refers to specific instructions or directions written on a prescription for medication. It denotes what the patient needs to do with the medication, such as dosage, frequency, and route of administration.

In the Spanish language, "signa" is often used in written contexts like medical prescriptions, making its use more frequent in formal or professional settings compared to oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico escribió las signa del tratamiento en la receta.
  2. The doctor wrote the directions for the treatment on the prescription.
  3. Es importante seguir las signa de la medicina para evitar efectos secundarios.
  4. It is important to follow the directions of the medication to avoid side effects.
  5. Las signa deben ser claras para garantizar la seguridad del paciente.
  6. The instructions must be clear to ensure patient safety.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "signa" does not prominently feature in traditional idiomatic expressions; however, its use in medical contexts can lead to common phrases concerning health and prescriptions. Here are some example sentences that reflect its use in combinations:

  1. Seguir las signa al pie de la letra es esencial en el tratamiento.
  2. Following the directions to the letter is essential in the treatment.
  3. El farmacéutico revisó las signa antes de entregar el medicamento.
  4. The pharmacist reviewed the directions before handing over the medication.
  5. Es crucial que entiendas las signa para evitar errores en la medicación.
  6. It is crucial that you understand the instructions to avoid medication errors.
  7. Las signa son parte fundamental de la efectividad del tratamiento.
  8. The directions are a fundamental part of the effectiveness of the treatment.


The term "signa" is derived from Latin, where "signum" means "sign" or "mark." In the context of medicine, it refers to the instructions given by someone qualified, such as a physician, reflecting its usage for prescriptions and medical directions.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "signa" is a crucial term in medical contexts, specifically related to prescriptions and patient care. Understanding its proper use is essential for both healthcare providers and patients to ensure safe and effective treatment.
