silenciar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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silenciar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Silenciar is a verb in its infinitive form.

Phonetic Transcription

/sileɪnˈθi.aɾ/ (Note: The pronunciation may vary depending on regional accents.)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Silenciar means to make someone or something silent or to suppress sounds. It implies the act of stopping someone from speaking or stopping a noise from being heard. This verb is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often in relation to conversations, discussions, or any scenarios where noise needs to be reduced or eliminated.

In everyday language, it can refer to muting a device (like a phone), silencing a person, or hiding opinions. The usage frequency is quite high in both casual conversations and formal writing depending on the context.

Example Sentences

  1. Es mejor silenciar el teléfono durante la reunión.
    It is better to silence the phone during the meeting.

  2. Ella decidió silenciar a su oponente en el debate.
    She decided to silence her opponent in the debate.

  3. Los maestros tratan de silenciar el ruido en el aula.
    The teachers try to silence the noise in the classroom.

Idiomatic Expressions

Silenciar is often found in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, illustrating its versatility in conveying the idea of suppression or quieting. Here are a few common expressions:

  1. Silenciar la crítica
  2. El gobierno intentó silenciar la crítica hacia sus políticas.
    The government tried to silence the criticism of its policies.

  3. Silenciar la voz de la oposición

  4. Es peligroso silenciar la voz de la oposición en una democracia.
    It is dangerous to silence the voice of the opposition in a democracy.

  5. Silenciar rumores

  6. La empresa tomó medidas para silenciar rumores sobre despidos.
    The company took steps to silence rumors about layoffs.

  7. Silenciar el escándalo

  8. Se hizo lo posible para silenciar el escándalo en la prensa.
    Everything possible was done to silence the scandal in the press.

  9. Silenciar a los disidentes

  10. Las dictaduras a menudo buscan silenciar a los disidentes.
    Dictatorships often seek to silence dissenters.


The word silenciar derives from the Latin verb silentiare, which is based on silens, the present participle of silere, meaning "to be silent" or "to be quiet."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aquietar (to calm) - Callar (to make quiet) - Mudar (to muffle)

Antonyms: - Sonar (to sound) - Hablar (to speak) - Gritar (to shout)

This comprehensive overview of the verb silenciar highlights its usages and meanings in various contexts, along with examples illustrating its practical applications.
