silencioso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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silencioso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

The word "silencioso" in Spanish means "silent" or "quiet." It describes a state of being free from noise, or a person or thing that does not produce sound. In everyday usage, "silencioso" can refer to environments (like a "silencioso parque" - quiet park) or to behaviors (like a "silencioso acuerdo" - silent agreement). The frequency of use is moderate, with a tendency for more frequent usage in written contexts, such as literature or formal communication, but it is also used commonly in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences: 1. El gato es muy silencioso cuando camina por la casa. - The cat is very quiet when it walks around the house.

  1. Este lugar es silencioso, perfecto para estudiar.
  2. This place is quiet, perfect for studying.

  3. Su silencioso apoyo fue esencial para el éxito del proyecto.

  4. His quiet support was essential for the success of the project.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "silencioso" is not commonly featured in fixed idiomatic expressions, but silence and quietness are often invoked metaphorically in various contexts.

Example Sentences: 1. En un mundo ruidoso, a veces se necesita un momento silencioso para reflexionar. - In a noisy world, sometimes a quiet moment is needed to reflect.

  1. A pesar de su risa, había algo silencioso en su mirada que me preocupaba.
  2. Despite her laughter, there was something silent in her gaze that worried me.

  3. El silencio puede ser más elocuente que las palabras, especialmente en momentos silenciosos de tensión.

  4. Silence can be more eloquent than words, especially in silent moments of tension.


The term "silencioso" comes from the Latin "silentiosus," which stems from "silens," the present participle of "silere," meaning "to be silent." The suffix "-oso" is commonly used in Spanish to form adjectives indicating an abundance or full of a certain quality.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Callado (silent) - Soñado (muffled) - Sordo (deaf, may imply a lack of sound)

Antonyms: - Ruidoso (noisy) - Hablar (talkative) - Vociferante (strident, loud)

The word "silencioso" characterizes tranquility and quietness, appearing within contexts that require discretion or peace, making it a rich term in both language and expression.
