silla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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silla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word silla refers to a piece of furniture designed to be sat on, typically having a backrest and four legs. It is commonly used in everyday language to denote any kind of chair, whether it be a dining chair, armchair, or office chair.

Frequency of Use: - The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about furniture, interior design, and related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. La silla de la cocina es muy cómoda.
  2. The kitchen chair is very comfortable.

  3. Necesito comprar una silla nueva para mi oficina.

  4. I need to buy a new chair for my office.

  5. Ella se sentó en la silla del parque a leer un libro.

  6. She sat on the park bench to read a book.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word silla is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions compared to other terms; however, it does appear in a few phrases and contexts, particularly in proverbs or sayings.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La silla de la culpa - This phrase refers to the act of placing blame or responsibility on someone.
  2. "Siempre me siento en la silla de la culpa cuando algo sale mal en el trabajo."
  3. "I always feel like I am in the seat of blame when something goes wrong at work."

  4. Silla vacía - Refers to an absence, often used metaphorically to describe someone's absence in a social context.

  5. "En la reunión, su silla vacía fue muy notoria."
  6. "At the meeting, her empty chair was very noticeable."

  7. Silla eléctrica - This term refers to the electric chair used for execution, highlighting a historical and legal context.

  8. "El caso del prisionero fue llevado a la silla eléctrica después de varios años de apelaciones."
  9. "The prisoner's case went to the electric chair after several years of appeals."


The term silla originates from the Late Latin word sella, which means "seat." Over time, it has evolved in the Spanish language to denote a more specific type of seating furniture.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asiento (seat) - Banco (bench) - Sofá (sofa, if considering broader seating)

Antonyms: - Pie (foot) - Estar de pie (to stand)

In total, silla serves as a fundamental and versatile term within the Spanish vocabulary, finding relevance in various contexts while being an integral part of everyday life.
