sillar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sillar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Example Sentences

  1. El sillar utilizado en la construcción de la catedral es de gran calidad.
  2. The stone blocks used in the construction of the cathedral are of high quality.

  3. Los antiguos incas usaban sillar para edificar sus templos.

  4. The ancient Incas used stone blocks to build their temples.

  5. La restauración del edificio ha exigido la colocación de nuevos sillares.

  6. The restoration of the building has required the placement of new stone blocks.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "sillar" is primarily a noun that is not commonly part of many idiomatic expressions, it can be used in contexts that describe strength or permanence in relation to construction. Here are a few sentences using "sillar" in more idiomatic or figurative expressions:

  1. Su carácter es como un sillar, firme y resistente.
  2. His character is like a stone block, firm and resilient.

  3. La base del proyecto fue un sillar de confianza entre los socios.

  4. The foundation of the project was a stone block of trust among the partners.

  5. Construyamos nuestras amistades sobre un sillar de lealtad.

  6. Let’s build our friendships on a stone block of loyalty.


Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown covers the word "sillar" in various aspects, including its meaning, usage, and idiomatic expressions, providing a deep understanding of its significance in the Spanish language.
