simplemente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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simplemente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

"Simplemente" is an adverb that means "simply," "just," or "merely." It is used to express something in a straightforward or uncomplicated way. This term is common in everyday conversation, making it predominantly seen in oral speech but also present in written contexts.

Frequency of Use: Frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. Simplemente quiero saber la verdad.
  2. I simply want to know the truth.

  3. No tengo más que simplemente seguir las instrucciones.

  4. I just have to simply follow the instructions.

  5. Simplemente no hay nada que discutir.

  6. There is simply nothing to discuss.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Simplemente" can appear in various idiomatic expressions, often enhancing the simplicity or straightforwardness of a situation.

  1. Simplemente encantador
  2. Esta fiesta es simplemente encantadora.
  3. This party is simply delightful.

  4. Simplemente no puedo

  5. Simplemente no puedo aceptar esa oferta.
  6. I simply can't accept that offer.

  7. Simplemente así es la vida

  8. A veces, las cosas no salen como uno espera; simplemente así es la vida.
  9. Sometimes things don't go as one expects; that's just how life is.

  10. Simplemente hay que intentarlo

  11. Simplemente hay que intentarlo; no hay otra opción.
  12. You just have to try; there is no other option.


The word "simplemente" derives from the adjective "simple," which comes from Latin "simplicem," meaning "uncomplicated" or "straightforward." The suffix "-mente" is commonly added to adjectives in Spanish to form adverbs, indicating a manner or way of doing something.



The term "simplemente" adds an element of clarity and ease to expressions, making it a valuable part of Spanish communication.
