Meanings: The verb "simular" in Spanish means to imitate or pretend to do or be something. It can also mean to fake or feign.
Usage Patterns: This word is used in both written and oral Spanish. It is a common verb in the language and is used to convey the idea of pretending or imitating something.
Verb Tenses:
Conditional: simularía, simularías, simularía, simularíamos, simularíais, simularían
Gerund Form:
Me gusta simular que soy un detective.
(I like to pretend I am a detective.)
No debes simular ser alguien que no eres.
(You shouldn't fake being someone you're not.)
Example: Ella intentó simular demencia para evitar ir a la cárcel. (She tried to pretend to be insane to avoid going to jail.)
"Simular inocencia"
Example: El acusado está intentando simular inocencia ante el tribunal. (The accused is trying to pretend innocence in front of the court.)
"Simular sorpresa"
The word "simular" comes from the Latin word "simulare", which means "to imitate or pretend".
Synonyms: - imitar (to imitate) - fingir (to pretend) - aparentar (to pretend)
Antonyms: - auténtico (authentic) - genuino (genuine)