sin pago inicial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

sin pago inicial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase.

Phonetic transcription

/sin ˈpaɣo iˈniθjal/

Translation options into English


"Sin pago inicial" translates to "without down payment" or "no initial payment" in English. It is commonly used in economic contexts to refer to a situation where no initial amount of money is required to be paid at the beginning of a transaction, typically seen in financial agreements such as loans, leases, or purchases.

This phrase is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in advertisements for products or services where the lack of an initial payment is highlighted as a selling point.


  1. Spanish: El contrato de arrendamiento se establece sin pago inicial. English: The lease agreement is set up without a down payment.

  2. Spanish: Puede obtener este auto sin pago inicial. English: You can get this car with no initial payment.

Idiomatic expressions


Synonyms and Antonyms