sin que - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sin que (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sin que" is a conjunction phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ sin ke /

Translation Options into English

  1. Without that
  2. Without (though not commonly used alone - typically in context)

Meaning and Usage

"Sin que" is used to introduce a subordinate clause, meaning "without" in the context of not permitting or allowing something to happen. It's commonly used in both written and oral Spanish, although it tends to appear more frequently in formal writing, literature, and structured conversations. This construction is usually followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood, highlighting the non-fulfillment of a condition.

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo salir sin que me des tu permiso.
  2. I can't go out without you giving me your permission.

  3. Ella no puede estudiar sin que sus amigos la ayuden.

  4. She cannot study without her friends helping her.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sin que" is not an idiomatic expression in itself, it is a significant part of various Spanish constructions and phrases that convey conditions of absence or lack of permission. Below are example sentences integrating "sin que" within common contexts:

  1. No es justo que trabajes sin que te paguen.
  2. It is not fair that you work without being paid.

  3. Vine sin que nadie me invitara.

  4. I came without anyone inviting me.

  5. No deberías salir sin que te abrigues.

  6. You shouldn't go out without wrapping up warm.

  7. No se puede emprender un proyecto sin que haya un plan claro.

  8. One cannot undertake a project without having a clear plan.

  9. El niño salió a jugar sin que sus padres se dieran cuenta.

  10. The child went out to play without his parents noticing.


The phrase "sin que" derives from the Spanish word "sin," meaning "without," and the conjunction "que," which is a common way to introduce subordinate clauses indicating cause, condition, or other relationships. The combination of both terms forms a conjunctive phrase that creates a condition or restriction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sin (without) - A menos que (unless)

Antonyms: - Con que (with that) - A que (to/at that)

This comprehensive overview highlights the specific properties of the phrase "sin que," illustrating its significance and usage in the Spanish language.
