sinceridad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sinceridad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Context

"Sinceridad" in Spanish refers to the quality of being sincere, genuine, or honest. It signifies a straightforwardness in character or expression, indicating a lack of deceit or hypocrisy. It is commonly used in both oral speech and written contexts, although it might be slightly more prevalent in written forms such as essays, articles, and formal communications.

Example Sentences

  1. La sinceridad es una virtud que todos deberíamos valorar.
  2. Sincerity is a virtue that we all should value.

  3. Prefiero la sinceridad a las palabras engañosas.

  4. I prefer sincerity over deceptive words.

  5. Su sinceridad al contar la historia sorprendió a todos.

  6. His sincerity when telling the story surprised everyone.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sinceridad" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its importance in communication and relationships. Here are some examples:

  1. Hablar con sinceridad.
  2. Hablar con sinceridad fortalece la confianza en las relaciones.
  3. Speaking with sincerity strengthens trust in relationships.

  4. Sinceridad ante todo.

  5. En esta familia, la sinceridad ante todo es fundamental.
  6. In this family, sincerity above all is fundamental.

  7. La sinceridad es la mejor política.

  8. Aunque a veces duela, la sinceridad es la mejor política.
  9. Although it may hurt sometimes, sincerity is the best policy.

  10. Actuar con sinceridad.

  11. Siempre trato de actuar con sinceridad, sin importar las consecuencias.
  12. I always try to act with sincerity, regardless of the consequences.

  13. Decir la verdad con sinceridad.

  14. Es importante decir la verdad con sinceridad y sin rodeos.
  15. It is important to tell the truth with sincerity and without beating around the bush.


The word "sinceridad" comes from the Latin "sinceritas," which means purity, soundness, or genuineness. The root "sincerus" captures the essence of what it means to be sincere: pure and untainted.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview allows for a better understanding of "sinceridad" and its usage in the Spanish language.
