siniestro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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siniestro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective / Noun

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Sinister (adjective)
  2. Left (as in direction) (adjective)
  3. Disaster / Accident (noun)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "siniestro" has several meanings depending on context. As an adjective, it often describes something that is ominous, evil, or malevolent. It can also refer to something left, particularly in terms of direction. As a noun, "siniestro" can denote a disaster, accident, or insurance claim related to damage or loss.

The word "siniestro" is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to appear more frequently in legal and technical documents, as well as in literary works.

Example Sentences

  1. El oscuro secreto del castillo parecía aún más siniestro al caer la noche.
  2. The dark secret of the castle seemed even more sinister as night fell.

  3. La salida de emergencia está a la izquierda, no olvides tomar el camino siniestro.

  4. The emergency exit is to the left, don’t forget to take the sinister path.

  5. El siniestro del automóvil fue reportado a la compañía de seguros.

  6. The automobile accident was reported to the insurance company.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "siniestro" is often involved in idiomatic expressions, particularly related to misfortune or accidents.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. No hay mal que por bien no venga, a veces un siniestro puede llevarnos a un cambio positivo.
  2. Every cloud has a silver lining; sometimes a disaster can lead us to a positive change.

  3. Cuando algo parece siniestro, es mejor estar preparados.

  4. When something seems sinister, it is best to be prepared.

  5. La vida tiene sus siniestros, pero siempre encontramos la manera de seguir adelante.

  6. Life has its disasters, but we always find a way to move forward.

  7. Es un siniestro destino el que nos une a todos.

  8. It is a sinister fate that unites us all.


The term "siniestro" comes from the Latin word "sinistrus," meaning "left" or "unlucky." In many cultures, the left side has historically been associated with bad omens or misfortune, which has influenced the modern usage of the word to convey ominous or harmful implications.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Malévolo (malevolent) - Desastroso (disastrous) - Sinistro (sinistrous)

Antonyms: - Benigno (benign) - Favorable (favorable) - Acierto (success)
