sinsabor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sinsabor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Sinsabor" is a noun used in the Spanish language to convey a feeling of bitterness, displeasure, or unpleasantness experienced in various situations. It can refer to a negative emotional response stemming from dissatisfaction or disappointment.

Example Sentences

  1. "La noticia del despido dejó un sinsabor en el ambiente laboral."
  2. "The news of the layoffs left a feeling of displeasure in the workplace."

  3. "No quería que su sinsabor arruinara nuestra celebración."

  4. "I didn’t want his displeasure to ruin our celebration."

  5. "El sinsabor de la derrota fue difícil de olvidar."

  6. "The bitterness of the defeat was hard to forget."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sinsabor" does not have an extensive range of idiomatic expressions, it is occasionally used in phrases that reflect emotional states or reactions related to disappointment. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Sentir un sinsabor por la traición de un amigo."
  2. "To feel a bitterness over the betrayal of a friend."

  3. "Su ausencia dejó un sinsabor en la fiesta."

  4. "Her absence left a sense of displeasure at the party."

  5. "A menudo, el sinsabor de las decisiones erróneas nos sigue."

  6. "Often, the unpleasantness of wrong decisions follows us."

  7. "El sinsabor de la falta de confianza se percibía en la reunión."

  8. "The bitterness of the lack of trust was noticeable in the meeting."

  9. "Aceptó el sinsabor con dignidad y siguió adelante."

  10. "He accepted the displeasure with dignity and moved on."


The word "sinsabor" is composed of the prefix "sin-" meaning "without" and "sabor" meaning "flavor" or "taste." Thus, it literally translates to "without taste," which metaphorically extends to represent a lack of pleasantness or enjoyment in a situation.


