sinuoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sinuoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sinuoso" is an adjective used to describe something that has many curves, twists, or turns. In a more abstract context, it can refer to something that is not straightforward, such as a process or argument. It is frequently used both in oral speech and in written contexts, particularly in literature, geography, and medicine, when discussing shapes, paths, or biological structures.

Example Sentences

  1. El río tiene un curso sinuoso que lo hace muy pintoresco.
  2. The river has a winding course that makes it very picturesque.

  3. La carretera sinuosa es peligrosa para los conductores inexpertos.

  4. The winding road is dangerous for inexperienced drivers.

  5. Su explicación fue tan sinuosa que nadie pudo entenderla.

  6. His explanation was so convoluted that no one could understand it.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sinuoso" is less frequently found in idiomatic expressions compared to other adjectives. However, it can be incorporated in phrases that convey complexity or indirectness.

  1. La ruta sinuosa de la vida nos lleva a lugares inesperados.
  2. The winding path of life takes us to unexpected places.

  3. A veces, un camino sinuoso lleva a mejores descubrimientos.

  4. Sometimes, a twisting path leads to better discoveries.

  5. Lo importante es no perderte en la senda sinuosa de la justicia.

  6. What’s important is not to get lost on the winding path of justice.


The word "sinuoso" originates from the Latin "sinuosus", which means "full of bends or curves", from "sinus" meaning "bay" or "fold". This Latin root reflects the intrinsic characteristic of the word, emphasizing curves and twists.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of "sinuoso" encompasses its meaning, usage, examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms, highlighting its relevance in both general and medical contexts.
