sirviente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sirviente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "sirviente" refers to a person who serves another, typically in a subordinate role. It is often associated with domestic service roles, such as a butler, maid, or other household positions. The term is common in both oral and written Spanish, although it tends to appear more frequently in literature or discourse relating to historical contexts of social hierarchies, domestic work, and sometimes in legal or military language to denote individuals serving in official capacities.

Frequency of Use

"Sirviente" is moderately used, with frequency depending on context. It appears more often in historical accounts and literary works than in modern conversations, where terms like "empleado doméstico" (domestic employee) or "asistente" (assistant) might be preferred.

Example Sentences

  1. El sirviente estaba encargado de abrir la puerta a los invitados.
    The servant was responsible for opening the door to the guests.

  2. En la casa antigua, había un sirviente que atendía todas las necesidades de la familia.
    In the old house, there was a servant who attended to all the needs of the family.

  3. A veces se habla de los sirvientes en la historia como figuras esenciales en la vida cotidiana de las élites.
    Sometimes servants are spoken of in history as essential figures in the daily life of the elites.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sirviente" is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions compared to more frequent words, but it can appear in discussions about servitude or class distinctions.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "No hay sirviente que no sepa los secretos de la casa."
    There is no servant who doesn’t know the secrets of the house.

  2. "Un sirviente leal vale más que mil compañeros."
    A loyal servant is worth more than a thousand companions.

  3. "Los sirvientes a menudo son los que sostienen el orden en un hogar."
    Servants often are the ones who maintain order in a household.


The term "sirviente" originates from the Latin word "serviens", which is derived from "servire", meaning "to serve." The transition from Latin to Spanish reflects a direct lineage in meaning, focusing on the act of service and the position of the individual.

Synonyms and Antonyms


