sisa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sisa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sisa" is a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Sisa (the term generally relates to a type of income tax, but modern usages may vary)

Meaning and Usage

In a general context, "sisa" can refer to a form of tax levied, especially historically within Spanish-speaking countries. Its usage is more specialized and often appears in legal and economic texts rather than in everyday conversation, giving it a lower frequency in oral speech compared to written contexts.

Examples: 1. La sisa fue un impuesto muy criticado en la comunidad.
The sisa was a highly criticized tax in the community.

  1. Muchas leyes se han promulgado para regular la sisa en el país.
    Many laws have been enacted to regulate the sisa in the country.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "sisa" does not commonly appear in idiomatic expressions in contemporary usage. However, historical and legal contexts may yield certain phrases tied to taxation, but they are less frequent.

Example sentences may be harder to construct as idiomatic expressions are limited. Here are some attempts to use "sisa" in related contexts: 1. "La sisa siempre ha sido un tema de controversia en la política fiscal."
The sisa has always been a controversial topic in fiscal policy.

  1. "Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a conocer las tasas y la sisa que se les impone."
    Citizens have the right to know the rates and the sisa that is imposed on them.


The term "sisa" comes from the Spanish word derived from Arabic, indicating its historical roots, particularly in taxation systems. The term may trace back to "sisa" being used in medieval times regarding a type of fiscal levy.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Impuesto (tax) - Gravamen (charge)

Antonyms: - Exención (exemption) - Subsidio (subsidy)

In summary, "sisa" represents a historical term within tax law, with limited contemporary idiomatic usage. Its frequency lies more in formal or written contexts rather than in everyday conversation.
