soberbia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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soberbia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Soberbia is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Soberbia refers to an excessive sense of pride or self-worth, often to the point of being arrogant. It describes a state of being overconfident, leading one to look down on others. In Spanish language, it is commonly used to characterize a person who exhibits unfounded superiority or disdain towards others.

Frequency of Use

The term soberbia is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but it might appear more often in formal discussions, literature, and critiques, especially when discussing character flaws or moral judgments.

Example Sentences

  1. La soberbia de Juan le impide reconocer sus errores.
  2. Juan's pride prevents him from acknowledging his mistakes.

  3. La soberbia no es una virtud, es un defecto que aleja a las personas.

  4. Arrogance is not a virtue; it is a flaw that drives people away.

  5. Todos debemos tener cuidado con la soberbia, porque puede llevar a la soledad.

  6. We must all be cautious of pride, as it can lead to loneliness.

Idiomatic Expressions

While soberbia isn't part of many idiomatic expressions as a standalone, it often combines with other words to convey broader ideas about pride or arrogance. Here are a few expressions and sentences featuring it:

  1. Soberbia y vanidad son dos caras de la misma moneda.
  2. Pride and vanity are two sides of the same coin.

  3. No dejes que la soberbia nuble tu juicio.

  4. Don’t let pride cloud your judgment.

  5. La soberbia precede a la caída.

  6. Pride goes before a fall.

  7. La soberbia del líder le costó el respeto de su equipo.

  8. The leader's arrogance cost him the respect of his team.

  9. Él se perdió en su soberbia y perdió todo lo que había construido.

  10. He got lost in his pride and lost everything he had built.


The word soberbia comes from the Latin superbia, which means pride or haughtiness, derived from superbus, meaning "above" or "high." This etymology reflects the idea of elevating oneself above others through excessive pride.

Synonyms and Antonyms


