sobornar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

sobornar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



The word "sobornar" is a verb in Spanish that means to bribe someone, to offer money or gifts to someone in exchange for a favor or influence. It is used across both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal discussions and when referring to corruption.


  1. El empresario intentó sobornar al funcionario para agilizar el trámite de su licencia. (The businessman tried to bribe the official to expedite his license process.)
  2. Es ilegal sobornar a un jurado durante un juicio. (It is illegal to bribe a jury during a trial.)
  3. Los políticos corruptos acostumbran sobornar a cambio de contratos lucrativos. (Corrupt politicians are known to bribe in exchange for lucrative contracts.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic Expressions with "Sobornar"

  1. Sobornar a alguien por debajo de la mesa
    Translation: To bribe someone under the table
    Example: El agente de policía fue sobornado por debajo de la mesa para dejar pasar la mercancía ilegal.
    Translation: The police officer was bribed under the table to let the illegal merchandise through.

  2. Sobornar a alguíen para que cierre los ojos
    Translation: To bribe someone to turn a blind eye
    Example: El empresario sobornó a la autoridad para que cerrara los ojos ante sus acciones ilegales.
    Translation: The businessman bribed the authority to turn a blind eye to his illegal actions.


The word "sobornar" comes from the Latin "sub" (under) and "burrus" (cloak), implying a hidden or covert act of bribery.

Synonyms and Antonyms

