sobra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sobra" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "sobra" typically refers to something that remains after the necessary amount has been used or consumed. It can denote food that is left over after a meal or any extra quantity of an item that is not needed or used. It is a commonly used word in everyday conversation as well as in written contexts, often appearing in discussions about food, resources, or supplies.

The frequency of use is relatively high, particularly in informal oral speech, but also appears in written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. Hay una sobra de comida en la nevera.
  2. There is a leftover of food in the fridge.

  3. Siempre guardo las sobras para el día siguiente.

  4. I always save the leftovers for the next day.

  5. No podemos desperdiciar ninguna sobra de material.

  6. We cannot waste any excess material.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Sobra" appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, commonly conveying ideas about abundance or excess. Below are a few examples:

  1. Sobra decir que deberías estudiar más.
  2. It goes without saying that you should study more.
    (Here, "sobra" emphasizes an obvious point.)

  3. Me sobra tiempo para terminar el proyecto.

  4. I have plenty of time to finish the project.
    (In this instance, "sobra" indicates having an excess of time.)

  5. No quiero que sobre nada en la mesa.

  6. I don't want anything left over on the table.
    (This sentence suggests a desire for all food to be consumed.)

  7. A veces, sobra más de lo que se necesita.

  8. Sometimes, there is more than what is needed.
    (This illustrates a situation of excess in a broader context.)

  9. Cuando hay fiesta, siempre sobran las risas.

  10. When there's a party, there are always plenty of laughs.
    (Here, "sobran" expresses abundance in terms of enjoyment.)


The word "sobra" derives from the Latin “supra”, which means “above” or “beyond”. Over time, its meaning evolved to signify something that is left over or excess in various contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Exceso (excess) - Resto (remaining) - Superávit (surplus)

Antonyms: - Falta (lack) - Escasez (scarcity) - Necesidad (need)

In summary, "sobra" is a versatile word commonly utilized in both formal and informal contexts to discuss anything that is left over or in excess, making it an important part of everyday Spanish vocabulary. Its idiomatic uses further reflect its relevance in expressing abundance or implied meaning in various situations.
