sobrasada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobrasada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sustantivo (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

Sobrasada is a type of raw, cured sausage originating from the Balearic Islands of Spain. Made primarily from ground pork and seasoned with paprika, it has a distinctive soft texture and rich flavor. It is typically spreadable and often enjoyed on bread or as part of tapas. The use of the term is relatively specialized, primarily found in culinary contexts, and is more common in oral speech, especially in regions where it is a traditional product.

Example Sentences

  1. Para el desayuno, me gusta untar sobrasada en una tostada.
    For breakfast, I like to spread sobrasada on a toast.

  2. En la feria gastronómica, compré una deliciosa sobrasada de Mallorca.
    At the food fair, I bought a delicious sobrasada from Mallorca.

  3. Muchos chefs la utilizan como ingrediente en sus tapas.
    Many chefs use it as an ingredient in their tapas.

Idiomatic Expressions

While sobrasada is not typically used in idiomatic expressions, it is a notable culinary term within the context of Spanish cuisine. However, here are a few sentences incorporating its affinity with traditional food expressions:

  1. La sobrasada es el alma de la cocina balear.
    Sobrasada is the soul of Balearic cooking.

  2. Con un poco de sobrasada y pan, se arma un gran picoteo.
    With a little sobrasada and bread, you can have a great snack.

  3. En casa siempre hay sobrasada para alegrar la merienda.
    At home, there is always sobrasada to brighten up the afternoon snack.

  4. Sobrasada y queso son el dúo perfecto para la cena.
    Sobrasada and cheese are the perfect duo for dinner.


The word sobrasada comes from the Spanish verb sobrasar, which means "to exceed." The name is believed to refer to the way this sausage is seasoned more abundantly than others.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Chorizo (though chorizo is distinct, it shares similar ingredients) - Salchichón (another type of cured sausage)

Antonyms: - Desconocido (unknown, in the sense of being unfamiliar; there are no direct antonyms in terms of meat products)
