sobredar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobredar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation options into English


The word "sobredar" in Spanish means to give an excessive amount or quantity of something, especially in a negative connotation. It is used to describe situations where there is an overabundance or overdose of a particular substance or action.

This word is not very common in everyday Spanish language, and it is mostly used in written contexts rather than in oral speech.


  1. El médico le advirtió que no se sobredara con los medicamentos.
    (The doctor warned him not to overdose on the medication.)

  2. No te sobredes de trabajo, recuerda tomar descansos.
    (Don't overwhelm yourself with work, remember to take breaks.)

Idiomatic Expressions

When it comes to idiomatic expressions, "sobredar" is not a word that is commonly found within these phrases. However, here are some idiomatic expressions in Spanish that involve the concept of excess or overdose:

  1. "Estar sobrado/a de algo"
    Meaning: To have more than enough of something
    Example: Estoy sobrada de trabajo esta semana.
    (Translation: I have more than enough work this week.)

  2. "Sobresalir de entre la multitud"
    Meaning: To stand out above the rest
    Example: Su talento sobresale de entre la multitud.
    (Translation: His talent stands out above the rest.)


The word "sobredar" is a combination of the prefix "sobre-" which means "over" or "excessive", and the verb "dar" which means "to give". Therefore, "sobredar" can be understood as "to give excessively" or "to over-give".

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Abundar (To abound) - Saturar (To saturate) - Exceder (To exceed)

Antonyms: - Escasear (To be scarce) - Limitar (To limit) - Moderar (To moderate)