sobrepasar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobrepasar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "sobrepasar" in Spanish means to exceed or surpass a certain limit or standard. It can be used to describe a situation where someone or something goes beyond an expected number, quality, or other measurable criteria. It's a term that's applicable in various contexts such as general conversations, economics (for instance, exceeding budgets or limits), and law (like exceeding legal limits or thresholds).

The frequency of use varies, but it is common in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions related to performance, limitations, and achievements.

Example Sentences

  1. La temperatura sobrepasó los 40 grados Celsius este verano.
    The temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius this summer.

  2. El equipo de fútbol sobrepasó las expectativas en el torneo.
    The football team surpassed expectations in the tournament.

  3. Tienes que asegurarte de no sobrepasar el límite de velocidad.
    You have to ensure that you do not exceed the speed limit.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "sobrepasar" features in several idiomatic expressions and is often used to articulate exceeding customary norms or limits:

  1. Sobrepasar los límites
    To go beyond the limits
  2. No permitas que nadie sobrepase los límites en nuestras conversaciones.
    Don’t let anyone go beyond the limits in our discussions.

  3. Sobrepasar la marca
    To surpass a mark (often referring to a record)

  4. El atleta logró sobrepasar la marca establecida el año pasado.
    The athlete managed to surpass the record set last year.

  5. Sobrepasar las expectativas
    To exceed expectations

  6. La compañía ha sobrepasado las expectativas de ventas en el último trimestre.
    The company has exceeded sales expectations in the last quarter.

  7. Sobrepasar el umbral
    To exceed a threshold

  8. Es vital no sobrepasar el umbral de endeudamiento permitido.
    It is crucial not to exceed the allowed debt threshold.

  9. Sobrepasar el tiempo
    To exceed time (usually a deadline)

  10. No podemos sobrepasar el tiempo fijado para el proyecto.
    We cannot exceed the time set for the project.


The word "sobrepasar" comes from the Spanish prefix "sobre-" which means "over" or "above," combined with the verb "pasar," which means "to pass." Together, they convey the idea of passing over or beyond a certain point.

Synonyms and Antonyms
