sobreponerse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobreponerse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Sobreponerse is a verb.

Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English

Meaning and usage

Sobreponerse means to regain control or balance after experiencing difficulties, loss, or trauma. It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, though it may appear more frequently in emotional or self-help discussions in literary texts. The frequency of use is moderate, commonly used in conversations about overcoming challenges in life.

Example sentences

  1. Ella logró sobreponerse a la tristeza tras la pérdida de su mascota.
    (She managed to overcome her sadness after the loss of her pet.)

  2. Es importante aprender a sobreponerse a los fracasos.
    (It is important to learn to get over failures.)

  3. Después de un año difícil, finalmente se está sobreponiendo.
    (After a tough year, he is finally getting over it.)

Idiomatic expressions

Sobreponerse is often used in Spanish idiomatic expressions related to resilience and recovery. Below are some examples:

  1. Sobreponerse a las adversidades es una muestra de fortaleza.
    (Overcoming adversities is a sign of strength.)

  2. No hay que rendirse; siempre se puede sobreponerse a las dificultades.
    (One should not give up; you can always get over difficulties.)

  3. Con esfuerzo y dedicación, se puede sobreponerse a cualquier obstáculo.
    (With effort and dedication, one can overcome any obstacle.)

  4. Hay que aprender a sobreponerse a los momentos difíciles de la vida.
    (One must learn to rise above the difficult moments in life.)

  5. Sobreponerse a la presión es crucial en un entorno competitivo.
    (Overcoming pressure is crucial in a competitive environment.)


The word sobreponerse comes from the Spanish roots: "sobre" (over, above) and "poner" (to place). The prefix "sobre-" indicates superiority or being on top of something, while "ponerse" implies the act of putting oneself in a position.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Superar (to overcome) - Recuperarse (to recover) - Sostenerse (to hold oneself)

Antonyms: - Rendirse (to give up) - Caer (to fall) - Decaer (to decline)

This comprehensive overview provides a clear understanding of the term "sobreponerse" in various contexts within the Spanish language.
