sobresaliente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobresaliente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sobresaliente" is an adjective used in the Spanish language to describe something or someone that stands out due to exceptional quality or performance. It commonly refers to academic performance, but it can also be applied in various contexts such as achievements or characteristics that are markedly superior or noteworthy.

In terms of frequency, "sobresaliente" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in educational settings. It is often used to denote high performance in exams, projects, or presentations.

Example Sentences

  1. Su trabajo en la presentación fue sobresaliente.
    His work on the presentation was outstanding.

  2. Ella recibió una calificación sobresaliente en el examen final.
    She received an outstanding grade on the final exam.

  3. El atleta hizo una actuación sobresaliente en la competencia.
    The athlete had an outstanding performance in the competition.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "sobresaliente" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "standing out" or being "outstanding" is often conveyed through various phrases in everyday speech. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ser un sobresaliente en su campo
    To be outstanding in one's field.
  2. Este científico es un sobresaliente en su campo de investigación.
    This scientist is outstanding in his field of research.

  3. Con un rendimiento sobresaliente
    With outstanding performance.

  4. El equipo logró un rendimiento sobresaliente en la competición.
    The team achieved outstanding performance in the competition.

  5. Sobresalir sobre los demás
    To stand out above others.

  6. Su creatividad le hace sobresalir sobre los demás en el trabajo.
    His creativity makes him stand out above others at work.


The term "sobresaliente" derives from the Spanish verb "sobresalir," which means to stand out or excel. The prefix "sobre-" means above or over, combined with "salir" meaning to leave or to go out, together conveying the concept of going above or beyond in a particular area.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "sobresaliente" in various contexts within the Spanish language.
