sobreseimiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobreseimiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sobreseimiento" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Sobreseimiento" refers to the legal action of dismissing a case or stopping legal proceedings before the final judgment is made. In the context of law, it indicates that a case cannot continue for specific reasons, such as lack of evidence, procedural issues, or other justifications that prevent further legal action.

In Spanish, "sobreseimiento" is predominantly used in written legal contexts, such as court documents and legal briefings. Its frequency of use tends to be higher in formal settings than in everyday conversational Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. El juez decidió el sobreseimiento del caso por falta de pruebas.
    The judge decided the dismissal of the case due to lack of evidence.

  2. El abogado solicitó un sobreseimiento temporal hasta que se presenten nuevos documentos.
    The lawyer requested a temporary stay until new documents are presented.

  3. El sobreseimiento de la causa penal fue celebrado por los defensores.
    The dismissal of the criminal case was celebrated by the defenders.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sobreseimiento" itself may not be commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various contexts commonly associated with legal terminology. Here are some related expressions:

  1. Sobreseimiento provisional
    Se dictó un sobreseimiento provisional hasta que se aclarara la situación.
    A provisional dismissal was issued until the situation was clarified.

  2. Sobreseimiento definitivo
    El tribunal ha ordenado un sobreseimiento definitivo en este asunto.
    The court has ordered a final dismissal in this matter.

  3. Solicitar el sobreseimiento
    El abogado decidió solicitar el sobreseimiento por falta de mérito.
    The lawyer decided to request the dismissal for lack of merit.

  4. Efectuar un sobreseimiento
    La Fiscalía decidió efectuar un sobreseimiento en el caso de corrupción.
    The Prosecutor's Office decided to effectuate a dismissal in the corruption case.


The term "sobreseimiento" is derived from the Spanish verb "sobreseer," which combines "sobre" (over/on) and "sear" (to cease/to stop). The etymology reflects its meaning of ceasing or stopping further legal action.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive examination of "sobreseimiento" highlights its legal importance and usage within the Spanish language, as well as how it relates to broader idiomatic expressions in legal contexts.
