sobretodo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobretodo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Sobretodo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Sobretodo" refers to a type of outer garment that is typically worn over other clothing for warmth, particularly during colder weather. It is most commonly used in contexts related to fashion or weather conditions. The frequency of use can vary, but it tends to be more common in written contexts, especially in fashion articles, descriptions, or discussions about clothing. In spoken Spanish, it may be used less frequently, with people often using simpler terms related to warm clothing.

Example Sentences

  1. En el invierno, es esencial llevar un sobretodo para mantenerse caliente.
    In winter, it is essential to wear an overcoat to stay warm.

  2. Mi hermano compró un sobretodo nuevo para la boda.
    My brother bought a new overcoat for the wedding.

  3. El sobretodo que eligió es muy elegante y cómodo.
    The overcoat he chose is very stylish and comfortable.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sobretodo" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it's important to recognize that clothing items like "sobretodo" can sometimes be used metaphorically in various expressions related to appearance or situations.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. No hay que juzgar un libro por su "sobretodo"; lo que importa es lo que hay dentro.
    You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover; what matters is what’s inside.

  2. Llevar un sobretodo puede ser como una coraza; protege mis sentimientos del frío del mundo.
    Wearing an overcoat can be like a shield; it protects my feelings from the cold of the world.

  3. A veces, un buen sobretodo es todo lo que necesitas para enfrentar el frío.
    Sometimes, a good overcoat is all you need to face the cold.


The word "sobretodo" comes from the Spanish prefix "sobre," meaning "over," combined with "todo," which means "all" or "everything." It essentially refers to a garment that goes over everything else.



This provides a comprehensive overview of the word "sobretodo," its usages, meanings, and other relevant linguistic information.
