sobrevivir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobrevivir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sobrevivir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Sobrevivir" refers to the act of continuing to live or exist, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances. It is commonly used in both general and specific contexts, particularly when discussing survival situations, resilience in the face of adversity, or enduring hardships.

Frequency of Use

"Sobrevivir" is frequently used in both spoken and written contexts. It may appear more often in discussions about personal experiences, literature, health, and emergency situations.

Example Sentences

  1. "Después del accidente, fue un milagro poder sobrevivir."
    "After the accident, it was a miracle to be able to survive."

  2. "Las plantas han aprendido a sobrevivir en condiciones extremas."
    "Plants have learned to survive in extreme conditions."

  3. "Es importante tener habilidades básicas para sobrevivir en la naturaleza."
    "It is important to have basic skills to survive in the wilderness."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sobrevivir" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it is closely related to concepts of resilience and endurance. Below are some idiomatic uses that may incorporate the essence of survival.

Example Sentences with Related Expressions

  1. "A pesar de los problemas, siempre hay que aprender a salir adelante."
    "Despite the problems, one must always learn to move forward."
    (This emphasizes the idea of surviving and thriving despite difficulties.)

  2. "El que no arriesga, no gana; hay que sobrevivir los desafíos."
    "He who does not take risks does not win; one must survive the challenges."
    (This suggests that taking risks is often necessary for survival.)

  3. "La vida nos enseña a adaptarnos y sobrevivir en cualquier situación."
    "Life teaches us to adapt and survive in any situation."
    (This highlights adaptability as a key aspect of survival.)

  4. "Sobrevivir al día a día requiere mucho esfuerzo y determinación."
    "Surviving day by day requires a lot of effort and determination."
    (This reflects the ongoing process of survival in everyday life.)


The term "sobrevivir" comes from the Latin roots "super-" (meaning above or over) and "vivere" (to live). Thus, it essentially means to "live over" or "live beyond," which aligns with its current meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "sobrevivir" encapsulates the essence of resilience and endurance in various contexts, making it a significant term in both general and legal discussions.
