sobriedad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobriedad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

Sobriedad refers to the state of being sober, which encompasses moderation in one’s behavior, particularly regarding the consumption of alcohol or drugs. It can also imply a serious or restrained demeanor in various contexts. The word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, found frequently in discussions about health, lifestyle, and morality.

Example Sentences

  1. La sobriedad es esencial para llevar una vida saludable.
  2. Sobriety is essential for leading a healthy life.

  3. Durante la reunión, él mostró una gran sobriedad al discutir los problemas.

  4. During the meeting, he showed great sobriety when discussing the issues.

  5. La sobriedad en el discurso político puede generar confianza entre los votantes.

  6. Sobriety in political discourse can build trust among voters.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "sobriedad" doesn't feature prominently in many idiomatic expressions, the concept of sobriety and moderation does appear in various phrases and contexts. Here are a few examples involving the idea of soberness or moderation:

  1. "Vivir con sobriedad"
  2. Living with sobriety (meaning to live a balanced and restrained life).
  3. Es importante vivir con sobriedad para enfrentar los desafíos diarios.
  4. It's important to live with sobriety to face daily challenges.

  5. "Tener sobriedad en la alegría"

  6. To have sobriety in joy (meaning to be moderate even in happiness).
  7. A veces, es bueno tener sobriedad en la alegría, especialmente en momentos de celebración.
  8. Sometimes, it's good to have sobriety in joy, especially in moments of celebration.

  9. "La sobriedad es una virtud"

  10. Sobriety is a virtue.
  11. La sobriedad es una virtud que todos deberíamos cultivar en nuestra vida diaria.
  12. Sobriety is a virtue that we should all cultivate in our daily lives.


The word "sobriedad" comes from the Latin term "sobrietatem", which signifies "lack of drunkenness" or "temperance". The root "sober" is used in many languages to convey similar meanings related to moderation and balance.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Sobriedad, as a concept, plays a significant role in discussions around health, behavior, and societal expectations in the Spanish language.
