sobrina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobrina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Sobrina" refers specifically to the daughter of one's sibling (brother or sister). It is a term commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, and it appears frequently in family-related conversations or discussions about relationships. The word "sobrina" is used primarily in oral speech, but it is also seen in written contexts, especially in formal documents, messages, or family-related texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi sobrina está cumpliendo diez años hoy.
    My niece is turning ten years old today.

  2. Siempre llevo a mi sobrina al parque los fines de semana.
    I always take my niece to the park on weekends.

  3. Mi sobrina es muy talentosa en el arte.
    My niece is very talented in art.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sobrina" is not a key component of many idiomatic expressions, there are a few phrases that include the word and convey familial concepts. Here are some examples:

  1. "Hacerle un favor a mi sobrina"
    "To do a favor for my niece."
  2. This expression can be used when discussing helping a family member, emphasizing familial obligations.

  3. "La sobrina del corazón"
    "The niece of the heart."

  4. This term can refer to someone who is not a biological niece, but who holds a similar special place in one's life.

  5. "Tratar a la sobrina como una hija"
    "To treat the niece like a daughter."

  6. This expression illustrates the closeness that sometimes exists between aunts/uncles and their nieces.


The term "sobrina" originates from the Latin word "sobrinus," which can be traced back as a diminutive form of "soror," meaning sister. This historical lineage highlights the relation to siblings and the concept of extended family.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview captures the essence and usage of the word "sobrina" in the Spanish language, along with relevant idiomatic expressions and historical background.
