sobrio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sobrio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "sobrio" primarily means sober, in both the literal sense (not intoxicated) and the figurative sense (not excessive or ornate). It can be used to describe a state of mind as well as a style, indicating simplicity and a lack of excess.

In the Spanish language, "sobrio" is moderately frequent and can be found in both oral and written contexts. It's commonly used in discussions regarding alcohol consumption, behavior, or styles of art and fashion that are simple and unembellished.

Example Sentences

  1. Él decidió permanecer sobrio durante la fiesta.
    (He decided to stay sober during the party.)

  2. El diseño del edificio es sobrio y elegante.
    (The design of the building is sober and elegant.)

  3. Después de años de excesos, finalmente adoptó un estilo de vida más sobrio.
    (After years of excess, he finally adopted a more sober lifestyle.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sobrio" is not as frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it relates to a few phrases that highlight moderation or sobriety, often implying wisdom or maturity.

  1. Tomar las cosas con sobriedad.
    (To take things with sobriety.)
    This phrase means to handle situations with a serious and calm attitude.

  2. Vivir sobrio es vivir con claridad.
    (To live sober is to live with clarity.)
    This emphasizes the clarity of mind that comes with sobriety.

  3. Un mensaje sobrio puede tener más impacto.
    (A sober message can have more impact.)
    This underlines the idea that simplicity and directness can be more effective than flamboyance.

  4. Necesitamos un enfoque sobrio para resolver este problema.
    (We need a sober approach to solve this problem.)
    This indicates the importance of a practical and straightforward method.


The word "sobrio" originates from the Latin "sobrius," which also means sober. This Latin word is derived from "sine" (without) + "ebrius" (drunken). The evolution of the term in Romance languages has preserved its core meaning related to moderation and restraint.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Moderado (moderate) - Serio (serious) - Simple (simple)

Antonyms: - Ebrio (intoxicated) - Exuberante (exuberant) - Lujoso (luxurious)
